Custom Keyboard Shortcuts For Text Microsoft Word On A Mac

Mar 10, 2017  Ref 0001 - How to Customize Mac Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Excel-----One of the best features of Microsoft Excel for Mac is the ability to create custom keyboard shortcuts of most commands. By Geetesh Bajaj, James Gordon. Mac OS X has its own keyboard shortcuts in addition to Word’s keyboard shortcuts. When you press a key or a key combination, Mac OS X searches first to see whether a task is assigned to that shortcut in Mac OS X system preferences. Is there no keyboard shortcut for a particular action in Word, or is the current keyboard shortcut convoluted and difficult to remember? Recent versions of Word actually allow you to assign your own keyboard shortcuts to all sorts of commands and hidden features. Chrome cache viewer mac. Microsoft Word’s keyboard shortcut for inserting an editorial comment into a document under review (Control-Alt-M in the Windows version or Command-Option-A for the Mac edition) does take three keys to execute, but you can reassign the command to fewer (or a more comfortable combination of) keys. Keyboard shortcuts are just one way to streamline how you work in Microsoft Office, but they can make a big difference, especially for tasks you use often. Shortcut assignments might vary depending on the operating system you're on and the version of Microsoft Office you have installed. These keyboard shortcuts are useful when working with text in word processors, email applications, and more. They can help you perform commonly repeated tasks, such as copying and pasting text. Command+X: Cut the selected text. Keyboard shortcuts to use on a Macintosh computer You can avoid reaching for the mouse if you are familiar with keyboard shortcuts. If you forget one of these, use the mouse and go to the menu bar.