Excel Text To Columns For Paragraph On Mac

Don't exactly know what you mean by a 'paragraph mark', but if you used Char(10) ( (Of course, you realize that nothing will be visible in the box.) Then -- HTH, RD ===================================================== Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit! ===================================================== 'AL' wrote in message news:327d43bc-5365-4bd8-a9e7-34e129f6ff90@g1g2000pra.googlegroups.com.

Quickly find what you’re looking for with the always‑on sidebar. Best app for adding text to photos on mac. When you choose “Optimize Mac Storage,” all your full‑resolution photos and videos are stored in iCloud in their original formats, with storage-saving versions kept on your Mac as space is needed. You get 5GB of free storage in iCloud — and as your library grows, you have the option to choose a plan for up to 2TB. You can also optimize storage on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, so you can access more photos and videos than ever before.

Hi all -- I have an Excel sheet where one column has entries on two lines in the single cell (separated by a paragraph mark). I want to split the column into two using the paragraph mark as the delimiter -- but I haven't been able to do this successfully. Is it possible and, if so, how do I go about it? Many thanks, AL. I have some data in an Excel table which uses case sensitive codes.

Excel Text To Columns For Paragraph On Macro

Does anyone know of a way to perform case sensitive VLookups. A1 contains 'TEXT', A2 contains 'One'. B1 contains 'text', B2 contains 'Two' If I enter 'text' in cell A4 and the following VLookup in B4: =VLOOKUP(A4;A1:B2;2;FALSE) I get the answer 'One', but I would like to see 'Two'.