Working In Word For Mac 2011 And The Cursor Turns Into A Pointer In The Text

• Click the undefined command to select it, then configure these options: • When I say: Enter the word or phrase that you want to speak to perform the action. • Click the Add button to add “undefined command” to the list of commands. • While using: Choose whether your Mac performs the action only when you're using a particular app. After you select “Enable advanced commands,” an Add button appears beneath the list of commands. You can even say “Show commands” to open a window showing all of the dictation commands available to you. Speech to text on mac for word.


Ditto First off - sorry to say that I have no solution. I can only say that I have exactly the same problem. For me it came about when I had to change my motherboard in a hurry after a power surge. The new has on-board VGA and I've not really looked too deeply into the drivers etc. (I'm planning to put in a quality one as and when finances allow) It's not a permanent thing on my machine and if I re-boot it goes away until.? I don't think that it's an XP problem- more so hardware and/or drivers- I was running XP on my old mb for 18 months and never had this pb. Bill 'rtholder' wrote in message news:0a$be0fa9b0$a301280a@phx.gbl.

I am using OOo Writer 2.2.1 in Windows Vista, and for some reason my mouse pointer disappears except in the gray margins. Anytime the mouse pointer is over the text part of the page, it turns into the vertical bar with lines top & bottom, making it difficult if not impossible to see. I have placed cursor:pointer on a td but in Safari (on a mac) it only displays the default mouse cursor instead of changing to the little hand pointer which it does in every other browser.