Mac Shortcut For Center Text

The following procedure describes how to modify the text that AutoCorrect inserts as a replacement for a specific misspelled word. If you want to change the correction that AutoCorrect applies to a specific misspelling, use this procedure. On the Word menu, click Preferences. How can the answer be improved? How to insert auto text in word for mac. By Geetesh Bajaj, James Gordon. Office 2011 for Mac’s AutoText feature is so simple, yet so powerful, you might wonder how you got along without it. Use AutoText to teach Word for Mac 2011 to remember text that you use often and don’t feel like typing over and over.


My boss likes me to use her full name every time I mention her in an email. Is there a way I can set up a keyboard shortcut in Apple Mail so I can type her initials and have it expand to her full name? You’re in luck and your boss will be happy too: MacOS X has a very slick keyboard shortcut system tucked into its settings that can let you specify that any key sequence should be transformed into any other, whether you want to have common misspellings like “teh” automatically changed to “the” or whether you want to type in “boss” and have it turn into “Ms.

Miller, Esq.”. Even better, it’ll work in all Apple produces apps, including Mail, Stickies and even Messages for if you’re texting.

The most complete list of Mac keyboard shortcuts, keystrokes, tips, and tricks. Pages for Mac: Pages for Mac keyboard shortcuts. To use a keyboard shortcut, press all the keys in the shortcut at the same time. Center the text.


On the down side you can’t get too reliant on it because it doesn’t help in, say, text input boxes in a third party Web browser like Google Chrome while you’re using Gmail. So there’s a bit of experimentation required for you to figure out what apps and programs will support keyboard shortcuts, but let’s get started with the setup itself! Rather than use the link to System Preferences from the Apple menu use Spotlight to jump straight to the correct place.

Text wrangler for mac save as html. HTML Editing with TextWrangler (Mac). Create and edit a simple HTML file with TextWrangler. Save the HTML file to your computer. You may want to check out the Tech Lab’s How-To Guides for help with HTML, CSS, and uploading files to your Simmons server space over FTP.